View the entire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are the QuietGrowth portfolios available anywhere else such as WRAP or SMA platforms?
No. QuietGrowth portfolios are not available on any third-party platforms other than through our MDA service on the QuietGrowth website, iOS mobile app and Android mobile app.
It is not a great option for you to pay an additional set of one-time fees and/or ongoing fees to these platforms so that you can invest in QuietGrowth portfolios. This is the main reason QuietGrowth portfolios are not available on any WRAP platform or SMA platform. We have built an intuitive website, iOS mobile app and Android mobile app so that you can have a seamless and straightforward experience as a QuietGrowth client.
Also read the answers to the related questions:
- Why QuietGrowth has adopted the MDA structure and not the SMA structure?
- Is my QuietGrowth account a managed account or a managed fund?
- What are the advantages of Managed Discretionary Account (MDA) structure through which you offer your service?
- Can I invest in QuietGrowth portfolios directly without signing the Managed Discretionary Account contract?