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What portion of my QuietGrowth Portfolio is invested in companies that are not socially responsible?

Each QuietGrowth portfolio comprises different securities, such as equity ETFs and bond ETFs. The shares and bonds of many companies are included as the underlying assets of these ETFs. QuietGrowth does not categorise these companies as socially responsible or not socially responsible. So, we cannot inform you about how much of your QuietGrowth portfolio is invested in companies that are not socially responsible.

If you are keen to calculate the above as per your view on what constitutes a socially responsible activity, consider the following steps:

  1. Visit the website of the fund issuer of each of the ETFs and access the latest information on the list of companies that are included in that ETF and their percentage weighting in that ETF;
  2. Make an assessment of whether each of these companies are socially responsible or not; and
  3. Based on this, calculate the portion of each ETF that is not socially responsible. Then, you can calculate the portion of your QuietGrowth Portfolio that is invested in companies that are not socially responsible.

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